十年来苹果股票回报率达到800%,这受服务部门增长和潜在的人工智能进步的驱动。 800% Apple stock return over a decade, driven by service sector growth and potential AI advancements.
文章探索了投资苹果股票的潜力, 突显了过去十年来800%的回报率。 The article explores the potential of investing in Apple stock, highlighting an 800% return over the past decade. 苹果的服务部门,特别是苹果的App店,在推动增长方面受到赞扬。 Apple's service sector, particularly its App Store, is credited with driving growth. 公司可受益于人工智能(AI)进步,增加硬件和应用程序的收入。 The company may benefit from artificial intelligence (AI) advancements, enhancing revenue from hardware and apps. 尽管如此,风险包括可能因与Alphabet达成交易而损失的收入,以及监管挑战. However, risks include potential revenue loss from its deal with Alphabet and regulatory challenges. 尽管存在这些担忧,但苹果公司丰富的历史表明,它仍然可以提供长期投资价值。 Despite these concerns, Apple's strong history suggests it could still offer long-term investment value.