28岁的利比亚男子在德国被捕,据称他策划以色列大使馆的袭击。 28-year-old Libyan man arrested in Germany for allegedly planning Israeli embassy attack.
德国当局在Bernau逮捕了一名28岁的利比亚男子,据称他计划袭击以色列驻柏林大使馆,据报使用火器。 German authorities arrested a 28-year-old Libyan man in Bernau for allegedly planning an attack on the Israeli embassy in Berlin, reportedly using firearms. 这次逮捕是在外国情报机构提供消息后发生的,是提高警惕,防范德国反犹主义抬头的伊斯兰威胁的一部分。 The arrest followed a tip from a foreign intelligence agency and is part of heightened vigilance against Islamist threats amid rising anti-Semitism in Germany. 嫌犯于2022年抵达德国,庇护申请被驳回,不久将出庭。 The suspect, who arrived in Germany in 2022 and had his asylum application denied, will appear in court soon.