Wwostershire地方当局于11月在不同地点组织低噪音烟花展。 Worcestershire local authorities organize lower noise fireworks displays in November at various locations.
Wwrcestershire地方当局在11月组织了几次烟火展示,强调降低噪音水平,以安抚居民和动物。 Local authorities in Worcestershire are organizing several fireworks displays in November, emphasizing reduced noise levels for the comfort of residents and animals. 一个值得注意的事件是11月2日在Sergeants Mess社区中心的"低噪音显示",其中包括各种供应商和活动. A notable event is the "lower noise display" at the Sergeants Mess Community Hub on November 2, featuring various vendors and activities. 其他展示将在 Sixways 体育场、Evesham's Corporation Meadow 和 Plovers Rise Playing Fields 等进行。 Other displays will occur at Sixways Stadium, Evesham's Corporation Meadow, and Plovers Rise Playing Fields, among others. 车票价格因地点而异。 Ticket prices vary by location.