Lifeway Christian Resources 推出了第一本对阅读障碍友好的 CSB Grace 儿童圣经。 Lifeway Christian Resources launches the first dyslexia-friendly CSB Grace Bible for Kids.
Lifeway Christian Resources 推出了 CSB Grace Bible for Kids,这是第一本专为阅读障碍儿童设计的圣经。 Lifeway Christian Resources has launched the CSB Grace Bible for Kids, the first Bible specifically designed for children with dyslexia. 它以7至12岁为对象,有专门的字体和布局,以提高可读性,包括增加间距和不同字母表。 Aimed at ages 7 to 12, it features a specialized typeface and layout to enhance readability, including increased spacing and distinct letter forms. 特殊颜色的重叠有助于视觉处理。 Special-colored overlays assist visual processing. 青少年和成人版本定于2025年2月发行,促进阅读有困难的人更容易读到圣经。 A teen and adult version is set to be released in February 2025, promoting better access to Scripture for those with reading difficulties.