18岁的Aubrion Johnson在莱克星顿迷你马特发生枪击事件后,因抢劫和肆意危害安全而被捕。 18-year-old Aubrion Johnson was arrested for robbery and wanton endangerment after a shooting incident at a Lexington Mini Mart.
Aubrion Johnson,18岁,在莱克星顿安尼斯顿车道的迷你马特发生枪击事件后被捕。 Aubrion Johnson, 18, was arrested after a shooting incident at the Mini Mart on Anniston Drive in Lexington. 这次争吵是一名办事员和一名客户之间的争端引起的,发生于星期五下午。 The altercation, which arose from a dispute between a clerk and a customer, occurred on Friday afternoon. 这名办事员受轻伤,住院治疗,尽管不是枪声造成的。 The clerk sustained minor injuries and was hospitalized, though not from gunfire. Johnson面临多项指控,包括抢劫和肆意危害,目前关押在Fayette县拘留中心。 Johnson faces multiple charges, including robbery and wanton endangerment, and is currently held at the Fayette County Detention Center.