朴茨茅斯 (Portsmouth) 的 10 英里 Great South Run 因风暴 Ashley 的恶劣天气风险而被取消。 10-mile Great South Run in Portsmouth canceled due to Storm Ashley's severe weather risks.
原定于 10 月 20 日在朴茨茅斯举行的 10 英里长跑 Great South Run 已被取消,原因是风暴阿什利 (Storm Ashley) 对恶劣天气的担忧。 The Great South Run, a 10-mile race set for October 20 in Portsmouth, has been canceled due to severe weather concerns from Storm Ashley. 组织者将安全列为优先事项,指出高潮、强风和碎片带来的风险。 Organizers prioritized safety, citing risks from high tides, strong winds, and debris. 下星期,与会者将收到关于推迟到明年活动或获得退款的备选方案的资料。 Participants will receive information next week regarding options to defer their entry to next year's event or obtain a refund. 下一场比赛计划于2025年10月19日举行。 The next race is planned for October 19, 2025.