2023-2027年 宣布在阿塞拜疆纳希切万重建阿拉兹水电站。 2023-2027 Araz Hydroelectric Power Plant reconstruction announced in Nakhchivan, Azerbaijan.
阿塞拜疆纳希切万自治共和国的阿拉兹水电厂将在2023-2027年新的社会经济发展方案下重建。 The Araz Hydroelectric Power Plant in Azerbaijan’s Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic will be reconstructed under a new socio-economic development program for 2023-2027. 国家能源局副局长Tural Murtuzaliyev宣布,自1970年以来运行的22兆瓦发电厂对当地电力供应至关重要。 Announced by Tural Murtuzaliyev, Deputy Head of the State Energy Service, the 22-megawatt plant, operational since 1970, has been vital for local electricity supply. 已经发出重建设计招标书,预计工作不久将开始。 A tender for the reconstruction design has been issued, with work anticipated to start soon.