39岁的Joshua Zuazo和Carlos Jose Hernandez假扮DTE雇员,被控谋杀Rochester Hills商人Hussein Murray的重罪。 39-year-old Joshua Zuazo and Carlos Jose Hernandez, posing as DTE employees, charged with felony murder in the death of Rochester Hills businessman Hussein Murray.
Joshua Zuazo, 39岁,来自Dearborn, 被控谋杀72岁的Rochester Hills商人Hussein Murray的重罪。 Joshua Zuazo, 39, from Dearborn, has been charged with felony murder in the death of 72-year-old Hussein Murray, a Rochester Hills businessman. 据称,他们与37岁的共同被告Carlos Jose Hernandez一起假扮DTE雇员进入Murray的家。 Along with co-defendant Carlos Jose Hernandez, 37, they allegedly posed as DTE employees to gain entry into Murray's home. 这对夫妇被殴打后,Murray被发现死在地下室,并被胶带捆绑起来。 After the couple was assaulted, Murray was found dead in the basement, bound with duct tape. DTE Energy敦促客户核实公用事业工人的身份。 DTE Energy urges customers to verify identities of utility workers. 两名嫌疑人都面临严重指控。 Both suspects face severe charges.