乔治亚州的斯塔瑟姆将在10月份重新命名为"万圣节镇", Statham, Georgia, rebrands as "HalloweenTown" for October, decorates city & supports local causes.
乔治亚州的斯塔瑟姆已经改名为"万圣节镇", Statham, Georgia, has been renamed "HalloweenTown" for October, transforming the city into a festive hub with decorations on homes and businesses. 这一传统旨在传播万圣节快乐,同时通过销售收益支持当地事业。 This tradition aims to spread Halloween joy while supporting local causes through sales proceeds. Broad Street周围的主要活动中心是万圣节之家,活动时间为周日晚上9时,周末晚上10时。 Key activities center around Broad Street, featuring the HalloweenHouse, which operates until 9 p.m. on weekdays and 10 p.m. on weekends. 有关详情,居民可访问活动网站。 For details, residents can visit the event's website.