Perry县官员调查美国98号公路附近可能发生的森林火灾,推动虚拟学习和交通管理。 Perry County officials investigate potential forest fire near U.S. Highway 98, prompting virtual learning and traffic management.
佩里县的应急官员正在调查美国98号公路附近可能发生的森林火灾,造成该地区的严重烟雾。 Emergency officials in Perry County are investigating a potential forest fire near U.S. Highway 98, prompting heavy smoke in the area. 佩里中央高中 (Perry Central High School) 已将当天的学习转向虚拟学习,为了安全起见,学生将学生送回家。 Perry Central High School has shifted to virtual learning for the day, sending students home for safety. 地方执法和消防部门现场负责交通管理和确保学生安全。 Local law enforcement and fire departments are on-site to manage traffic and ensure student safety. 密西西比交通部建议驾车者谨慎驾驶,因为能见度降低。 The Mississippi Department of Transportation advises motorists to drive cautiously due to reduced visibility.