循环经济、供应链和区域合作对于提高新西兰在全球危机中的供应链复原力至关重要。 Circular economy, blockchain, and regional collaboration vital to enhance New Zealand's supply chain resilience amid global crises.
新西兰的供应链对进出口至关重要,面临全球危机的风险,包括大流行病和地缘政治紧张局势。 New Zealand's supply chains, vital for exports and imports, face risks from global crises, including pandemics and geopolitical tensions. 这些挑战给企业的可持续性承诺带来压力。 These challenges strain businesses' sustainability commitments. 为了增强韧性,我们鼓励公司采用循环经济原则,利用区块链等技术,并加强区域合作。 To enhance resilience, companies are encouraged to adopt circular economy principles, leverage technologies like blockchain, and strengthen regional collaboration. 支持地方制造业和战略投资对于建立符合可持续性目标的自给自足供应链至关重要。 Supporting local manufacturing and strategic investments are essential for creating self-sufficient supply chains that align with sustainability goals.