TSMC报告说,由于AI和高性能计算芯片需求增加,其利润创下了记录。 TSMC reports record profits due to increased AI and high-performance computing chip demand.
台湾半导体制造公司(TSMC)报告了创纪录的利润,Q3的利润增加了54%,这是由对人工智能(AI)和高性能计算芯片的强劲需求所推动的。 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC) reported record profits, with a 54% increase in Q3, fueled by strong demand for artificial intelligence (AI) and high-performance computing chips. 该公司预计到2024年时芯片需求将比2021年增长三倍以上。 The company anticipates sustained AI demand, projecting a more than threefold increase in chip demand by 2024 compared to 2021. 这一趋势促成了TSMC创纪录的金融业绩。 This trend has contributed to TSMC's record-breaking financial performance.