由于财政纪律、经济指标改善和外国投资,马来西亚的债券和货币可望恢复。 Malaysia's bonds and currency are expected to recover due to fiscal discipline, improved economic indicators, and foreign investment.
马来西亚的主权债券和货币在强大的经济信号和即将到来的预算中预期的财政纪律的推动下,准备复苏。 Malaysia's sovereign bonds and currency are poised for recovery, driven by strong economic signals and expected fiscal discipline in the upcoming budget. 首相安华将于 10 月 18 日公布的预算案旨在将赤字比率从 4.3% 降至 3.9%。 Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim's budget, to be unveiled on October 18, aims for a reduced deficit ratio of 3.9%, down from 4.3%. 外国直接投资、出口和旅游业的积极趋势进一步加强了这一前景,表明在今后三至六个月内债券回报有利。 Positive trends in foreign direct investment, exports, and tourism further bolster this outlook, suggesting favorable returns for bonds in the next three to six months.