联合国也门问题特使警告中东冲突升级可能会加剧也门的人道主义危机。 UN Special Envoy for Yemen warns escalating Middle East conflict may worsen Yemen's humanitarian crisis.
联合国也门问题特使汉斯·格伦德贝格警告说,也门可能卷入中东不断升级的冲突,有可能使局势进一步恶化。 The UN Special Envoy for Yemen, Hans Grundberg, cautioned that Yemen may be drawn into the escalating Middle East conflict, risking a further deterioration of the situation. 这种升级可能导致无法控制的混乱,使也门现有的人道主义危机和赤贫与潜在的环境灾难更加恶化。 This escalation could lead to uncontrollable chaos, compounding Yemen's existing humanitarian crisis and extreme poverty with potential environmental disasters. 格伦德贝格强调,迫切需要通过外交手段防止该区域紧张局势加剧。 Grundberg emphasized the urgent need for diplomacy to prevent exacerbating tensions in the region.