西南电力联营公司和波恩维尔电力管理局批准对输电投资10.7亿加元。 Southwest Power Pool and Bonneville Power Administration approve $10.7bn investments in power transmission.
西南电力联营公司(SPP)批准了一项历史性的77亿美元输电投资,这是其历史上最大的输电投资,以便在需求不断增长和气候恶劣的情况下提高电网的可靠性。 The Southwest Power Pool (SPP) has approved a historic $7.7 billion investment in power transmission, the largest in its history, to enhance grid reliability amid growing demand and severe weather. 与此同时,波恩维尔电力管理局计划为新的输电项目提供30亿美元,以支持可再生能源,并满足未来十年电力需求预计增长30%的目标。 Meanwhile, the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) plans $3 billion in new transmission projects to support renewable energy and meet a projected 30% rise in electricity demand over the next decade. 这两项举措都旨在加强基础设施和创造就业机会。 Both initiatives aim to bolster infrastructure and create jobs.