由于工作人员不足,Los Padrinos少年厅被命令在60天内关闭。 Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall is ordered to close within 60 days due to inadequate staffing.
Los Padrinos少年厅被认为“不合适”,由于人手不足,必须在60天内关闭。 Los Padrinos Juvenile Hall has been deemed 'unsuitable' and is required to close within 60 days due to inadequate staffing levels. 这一决定是在人们对该设施为青年居民提供安全的环境的能力持续感到关切的情况下作出的。 This decision comes amid ongoing concerns about the facility's ability to provide a safe environment for its youth residents. 关闭反映了对该区域少年拘留中心条件和管理的日益监督。 The closure reflects growing scrutiny over the conditions and management of juvenile detention centers in the region.