Eamonn Holmes, GB新闻主持人, 与妻子Ruth Langsford分居后, 开始约会关系专家Katie Alexander, Eamonn Holmes, GB News presenter, begins dating relationship expert Katie Alexander after separating from wife Ruth Langsford.
Eamonn Holmes是GB News的主持人, 今年早些时候与妻子Ruth Langsford分居后, 正在约会关系专家Katie Alexander。 Eamonn Holmes, a presenter for GB News, is dating relationship expert Katie Alexander after separating from his wife Ruth Langsford earlier this year. 关系专家杰斯珀·詹森 (Jesper Jensen) 警告说,霍姆斯与兰斯福德的过去可能会影响他的新关系,尤其是在关系反弹可能具有挑战性的情况下。 Relationship expert Jesper Jensen cautions that Holmes' past with Langsford may affect his new relationship, particularly as rebound relationships can be challenging. 霍姆斯和兰斯福德在结婚 14 年后于 5 月宣布分手,但尚未最终确定离婚。 Holmes and Langsford, who announced their split in May after 14 years of marriage, have yet to finalize their divorce.