美国国会第二区辩论:马洛伊主张联邦制,伍德沃德建议联邦为水和能源项目提供资金. 2nd Congressional District debate: Maloy advocates federalism, Woodward proposes federal funding for water and energy projects.
在犹他州第二国会选区的辩论中,共和党众议员塞莱斯特·马洛伊 (Celeste Maloy) 和民主党候选人纳撒尼尔·伍德沃德 (Nathaniel Woodward) 谈到了水、住房和能源政策等关键问题。 In a debate for Utah's 2nd Congressional District, Republican Rep. Celeste Maloy and Democratic nominee Nathaniel Woodward addressed key issues like water, housing, and energy policy. Moloy主张联邦制和减少政府越权,Woodward提议联邦为水和能源项目提供资金。 Maloy advocated for federalism and reducing government overreach, while Woodward proposed federal funding for water and energy projects. 它们在公共土地管理、开支和堕胎方面有不同,但两者都强调需要增加能源和解决住房问题。 They differed on public land management, spending, and abortion, but both stressed the need for increased energy resources and housing solutions. 辩论是民事性的,侧重于选民的需要。 The debate was civil and focused on constituents' needs.