俄克拉荷马州、得克萨斯州和田纳西州的保守派政治家辩论无证儿童的公共教育权利。 Conservative politicians in Oklahoma, Texas, and Tennessee debate public education rights for undocumented children.
俄克拉荷马州、得克萨斯州和田纳西州的保守派政治家正在辩论没有合法居留权的移民儿童接受公共教育的权利。 Conservative politicians in Oklahoma, Texas, and Tennessee are debating the entitlement of immigrant children without legal residency to receive public education. 美国现行法律保障这一权利,但一些保守派则主张重新考虑,他们提出对当地资源和这些移民法律地位的关切。 Current U.S. law guarantees this right, but some conservatives argue for reconsideration, citing concerns about local resources and the legal status of these immigrants. 这一讨论提出了对关于无证件儿童受教育机会的现行立法可能作出哪些修改的问题。 This discussion raises questions about potential changes to existing legislation regarding education access for undocumented children.