19 岁的裘德·斯科特·凯撒 (Jude Scott Caesar) 对 8 月 11 日在布里斯班中央商务区举行的新纳粹游行有关的煽动严重种族诽谤不认罪。 19-year-old Jude Scott Caesar pleads not guilty to inciting serious racial vilification related to a neo-Nazi march in Brisbane's CBD on August 11.
来自维多利亚州的 19 岁少年裘德·斯科特·凯撒 (Jude Scott Caesar) 对煽动严重种族诽谤不认罪,这与他涉嫌于 8 月 11 日在布里斯班中央商务区参加新纳粹游行有关。 Jude Scott Caesar, a 19-year-old from Victoria, has pleaded not guilty to inciting serious racial vilification related to his alleged participation in a neo-Nazi march in Brisbane's CBD on August 11. 他是在约40人聚集在一起后被捕的4名男子之一,据报告,他们大喊与纳粹德国有关的口号。 He was one of four men arrested after a group of about 40 gathered, reportedly shouting slogans associated with Nazi Germany. 凯撒的下一次出庭预定在10月30日,他仍在保释中。 Caesar's next court appearance is scheduled for October 30, and he remains on bail.