38 岁的哥伦比亚母亲在西班牙健康中心外倒下后死亡;怀疑是被宠物仓鼠咬伤。 38-year-old Colombian mother dies in Spain after collapsing outside health center; bite from pet hamster suspected.
一名 38 岁的哥伦比亚两个孩子的母亲在西班牙比利亚雷亚尔死亡,她在一家健康中心外倒下,当时她正在那里寻求治疗,以治疗被她的宠物仓鼠咬伤。 A 38-year-old Colombian mother of two died in Villarreal, Spain, after collapsing outside a health center, where she was seeking treatment for a bite from her pet hamster. 尽管有人试图挽救她的生命,但她仍无法救活。 Despite attempts at resuscitation, she could not be saved. 尸检会调查咬伤是否导致她死亡 An autopsy will investigate whether the bite contributed to her death. 仓鼠咬伤虽然少见,但可以传播狂犬病或细菌感染等疾病,促使人们提出适当的伤口护理建议。 While rare, hamster bites can transmit diseases such as rabies or bacterial infections, prompting recommendations for proper wound care.