22岁的Aoki Lee Simmons, Russell 和Kimora Lee Simmons的女儿,因外表批评,从建模后退一步,专注于政府事业。 22-year-old Aoki Lee Simmons, daughter of Russell and Kimora Lee Simmons, steps back from modeling due to appearance criticism and focuses on a career in government.
22岁的Aoki Lee Simmons, Russell 和Kimora Lee Simmons的女儿,22岁的Aoki Lee Simmons,由于对她的外貌的批评和与母亲的比较,正在退出模特。 Aoki Lee Simmons, 22, daughter of Russell and Kimora Lee Simmons, is stepping back from modeling due to criticism about her appearance and comparisons to her mother. 尽管她16岁从哈佛毕业, 她仍努力反对产业排斥, 现在她正在将注意力转向政府职业, 渴望在国际关系中工作。 Despite graduating from Harvard at 16, she struggles with industry rejection and is now shifting her focus toward a career in government, aspiring to work in international relations. 青木还因与一位年长得多的餐馆老板的短暂关系而成为头条新闻,这段关系最近结束了。 Aoki also made headlines for a brief relationship with a much older restaurateur, which ended recently.