2020年总统大选的威斯康辛州选民投票率为75.04%,是美国最高选民之一,明尼苏达州选民投票率为79.21%。 2020 presidential election saw Wisconsin's 75.04% voter turnout, one of the highest in the US, with Minnesota leading at 79.21%.
在2020年的总统选举中,威斯康星州的选民投票率达到75.04%,在美国名列前茅,而明尼苏达州则领先79.21%。 In the 2020 presidential election, Wisconsin achieved a voter turnout of 75.04%, ranking among the highest in the U.S., while Minnesota led at 79.21%. 总体而言,近67%的合格选民参加了投票,投票率很高。 Overall, nearly 67% of eligible voters participated, marking a significant turnout. 像明尼苏达州这样的州的高投票率的原因包括当天登记,竞争性比赛和社会参与度增加. Factors driving high turnout in states like Minnesota include same-day registration, competitive races, and increased social engagement. 比较宽松的投票法似乎也与较高的参与率有关。 More lenient voting laws also appear to correlate with higher participation rates.