在孟买的 Dussehra 集会上,Shiv Sena 领导人 Uddhav Thackeray 向 Ratan Tata 致敬,并批评一些实业家侵占孟买的盐田土地。 At the Dussehra rally in Mumbai, Shiv Sena leader Uddhav Thackeray honored Ratan Tata and criticized some industrialists for encroaching on Mumbai's saltpan lands.
在孟买的Dussehra集会上,Shiv Sena领袖Uddhav Thackeray向10月9日逝世的已故拉坦塔塔(Ratan Tata)致敬。 At the Dussehra rally in Mumbai, Shiv Sena leader Uddhav Thackeray honored the late Ratan Tata, who died on October 9. 他赞扬Tata集团对印度盐供应的贡献, 但批评某些工业家侵占孟买盐塘土地, He praised the Tata Group's contributions to India's salt supply but criticized certain industrialists for encroaching on Mumbai's saltpan lands. Thackeray还讲述了与Ratan Tata关于信任和遗产的谈话,强调保护盐碱区的重要性。 Thackeray also recounted a conversation with Ratan Tata about trust and legacy, emphasizing the importance of preserving the saltpan areas.