印度国家安全委员会在过去四年里报告了47,000多起针对达利特人暴行的投诉, 47,000+ complaints of atrocities against Dalits, land disputes, and government job issues reported by India's NCSC over 4 years, with Uttar Pradesh leading.
印度国家贱民种姓委员会(NCSC)报告了过去四年来对达利特人的暴行、土地纠纷和政府工作问题提出的47 000多起投诉。 The National Commission for Scheduled Castes (NCSC) in India reported over 47,000 complaints related to atrocities against Dalits, land disputes, and government job issues over the past four years. 投诉在2021-22年达到13 964起高峰。 Complaints peaked at 13,964 in 2021-22. NCSC主席Kishor Makwana宣布了通过州级访问和定期听证解决这些冤情的计划。 NCSC Chairperson Kishor Makwana announced plans to address these grievances through state visits and regular hearings. 北方邦记录的投诉数量最多,在2022年相关法案下,占案件总数的近24%。 Uttar Pradesh recorded the highest number of complaints, constituting nearly 24% of cases under the relevant act in 2022.