30岁的William Hill III和Tyree Mays因5月18日在拉斯维加斯的枪击而被捕,这与涉及受害者Carl Chester Jr的贷款欺诈计划有关。 30-year-olds William Hill III and Tyree Mays were arrested for a May 18 shooting in Las Vegas, linked to a loan fraud scheme involving victim Carl Chester Jr.
William Hill III和Tyree Mays两人都是30岁的,因5月18日在拉斯维加斯西北发生枪击事件而被捕,枪击造成1人死亡,2人受伤。 William Hill III and Tyree Mays, both 30, were arrested in connection with a May 18 shooting in northwest Las Vegas that left one man dead and two injured. 希尔在克拉克县被捕,梅斯在俄勒冈州波特兰被联邦调查局逮捕,正在等待引渡。 Hill was apprehended in Clark County, while Mays was arrested by the FBI in Portland, Oregon, and is awaiting extradition. 据称,受害人Carl Chester Jr.为贷款欺诈计划雇用了嫌疑人。 The victim, Carl Chester Jr., allegedly hired the suspects for a loan fraud scheme. 另外3名男子也因此案被捕。 Three other men have also been arrested in relation to this case.