45岁的Charles Dickson在爱荷华州被判犯有乱伦和二级性虐待罪,因性虐待被判处至少25年徒刑。 45-year-old Charles Dickson was convicted of incest and second-degree sexual abuse in Iowa, facing a minimum 25-year sentence for sexual abuse.
45岁的Charles Dickson在爱荷华州Akron被普利茅斯县陪审团判定犯有二级性虐待和乱伦罪。 Charles Dickson, 45, of Akron, Iowa, was convicted of second-degree sexual abuse and incest by a Plymouth County jury. 指控源于他于2023年初虐待一名少女,导致女孩怀孕。 The charges stemmed from his abuse of a juvenile female in early 2023, which resulted in the girl becoming pregnant. Dickson因性虐待而必须服至少25年的刑期,因乱伦被判处5年的徒刑,必须服至少70%的性虐待判决才能获得假释。 Dickson faces a mandatory minimum of 25 years for sexual abuse, with a five-year sentence for incest, and must serve at least 70% of the sexual abuse sentence before being eligible for parole. 他仍然在押。 He remains in custody.