52 岁的护理人员杰恩·希尔 (Jayne Hill) 因谋杀 90 岁的迈拉·汤普森 (Myra Thompson) 而被判处无期徒刑,迈拉·汤普森 (Myra Thompson) 是她偷窃的一名患者。 52-year-old carer Jayne Hill, sentenced to life for murdering 90-year-old Myra Thompson, a patient she stole from.
Jayne Hill,52岁的照料者,因谋杀90岁的Myra Thompson被判处终身监禁。 Jayne Hill, a 52-year-old carer, has been sentenced to life in prison for the murder of 90-year-old Myra Thompson. 希尔被发现从汤普森那里偷东西,导致她被停职,然后她残忍地袭击了家中的老妇人,用金属瓶击打她,并用枕头使她窒息。 Hill was caught stealing from Thompson, prompting her suspension, before she brutally attacked the elderly woman in her home, striking her with a metal flask and smothering her with a pillow. 法官将这一罪行描述为预谋和严重违背信任。 The judge described the crime as premeditated and a severe breach of trust. 希尔也承认偷她照顾的其他老年病人的钱 Hill also admitted to stealing from other elderly patients she cared for.