弗吉尼亚大学的研究将"战斗或逃跑"反应与Clostridioides difficile感染的严重程度联系在一起,建议平静神经系统作为潜在的治疗方法. University of Virginia research links "fight or flight" response to Clostridioides difficile infection severity, suggesting calming the nervous system as potential treatment.
弗吉尼亚大学医学院的研究强调了"战斗或逃跑"反应与Clostridioides difficile感染的严重性之间的联系, 每年有50万美国人受到影响, 导致约3万人死亡. Research from the University of Virginia School of Medicine highlights the connection between the "fight or flight" response and the severity of Clostridioides difficile infections, which affect 500,000 Americans annually, leading to about 30,000 deaths. 该研究将阿尔法2肾上腺素受体确定为关键因素,并表明神经系统平息可以降低感染的严重程度。 The study identifies the alpha 2 adrenergic receptor as a key factor and suggests that calming the nervous system could reduce infection severity. 调查结果可能导致针对这一受体的新治疗方法。 Findings may lead to new treatments targeting this receptor.