中国的辽宁和山东航空母舰在三亚海军基地对接。 China's Liaoning and Shandong aircraft carriers docked together at Sanya Naval Base.
中国的两艘航母辽宁号和山东号最近被拍到一起停靠在南海的三亚海军基地,这是一次罕见的目击事件。 China's two aircraft carriers, Liaoning and Shandong, were recently photographed docked together at Sanya Naval Base in the South China Sea, marking a rare sighting. 两艘运输船在区域演习后返回,对联合行动进行猜测。 Both carriers returned after regional exercises, with speculation about joint operations. 辽宁号是一艘苏维埃时代的船,山东号是中国第一个国内生产的运输船。 The Liaoning is a Soviet-era ship, while Shandong is China's first domestically produced carrier. 由于中国的军事活动以及与邻国的交往,该地区的紧张局势加剧。 Tensions in the region have heightened due to China's military activities and interactions with neighboring nations.