美国第五巡回上诉法院审理了DACA计划对纳税人的法律挑战. 5th Circuit Court of Appeals reviews DACA program's legal challenge for burdening taxpayers.
美国第5届大会正在进行一场关于推迟儿童抵达行动(DACA)方案的法律斗争,该方案保护约535 000名“梦想者”不被驱逐出境。 A legal battle over the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, which protects about 535,000 "Dreamers" from deportation, is underway at the 5th U.S. 上诉法院巡回法院。 Circuit Court of Appeals. DACA最初由奥巴马总统于2012年成立, 面临来自得克萨斯及其他州的挑战, Initially established by President Obama in 2012, DACA faces challenges from Texas and other states claiming its costs burden taxpayers. 法官的决定最终可以提交美国最高法院,确定这些移民在美国的未来。 The judges' decision could ultimately reach the U.S. Supreme Court, determining the future of these immigrants in the U.S.