英格兰估价法庭每年将伦敦市零售商店的营业额降低3 300万英镑。 Valuation Tribunal for England reduces City of London retail shop business rates by up to £33M annually.
英格兰估价法庭确定,伦敦市1,500多家零售店的营业额每年可能减少多达3,300万英镑。 The Valuation Tribunal for England has determined that over 1,500 retail shops in the City of London may see their business rates reduced by up to £33 million annually. 在此之前,估价局在2023年重新估价后确定的财产估价发生争议。 This follows a dispute over the property valuations set by the Valuation Office Agency after the 2023 revaluation. 法庭的裁决将典型商店的可兑换价值降低38%,对城市零售部门大有帮助。 The tribunal's decision, which lowers the rateable value of a typical shop by 38%, could significantly aid the city’s retail sector.