两名男子在前被发现无反应, 没有创伤或犯规迹象, 调查正在进行中. Two men found unresponsive near a gazebo, no signs of trauma or foul play, investigations ongoing.
简斯维尔警方正在调查两天内在北华盛顿街的凉亭附近发现的两名男子的无关死亡事件。 Janesville police are investigating the unrelated deaths of two men found unresponsive near a gazebo on North Washington Street within two days. 两名男子在现场被宣布死亡,没有观察到任何创伤或肮脏行为的迹象。 Both men were pronounced dead at the scene, with no signs of trauma or foul play observed. 当局没有确认对公共安全构成威胁,死者的身份在接到家属通知之前被扣留。 Authorities have confirmed no threat to public safety, and the identities of the deceased are being withheld pending family notification. 调查正在进行中,警察鼓励任何有情报的人主动提出。 Investigations are ongoing, and the police encourage anyone with information to come forward.