10 名明尼苏达州男子在联邦打击有组织犯罪中被判犯有与帮派有关的罪名。 10 Minnesota men convicted of gang-related charges in federal crackdown on organized crime.
作为联邦打击有组织犯罪的一部分,几名明尼苏达州男子被判犯有与帮派有关的指控。 Several Minnesota men have been convicted of gang-related charges as part of a federal crackdown on organized crime. 这些定罪是执法部门为解决该地区的帮派暴力和犯罪活动而持续努力的一部分。 The convictions are part of ongoing efforts by law enforcement to address gang violence and criminal activities in the region. 这项联邦倡议旨在通过对参与有组织犯罪的人采取法律行动来破坏帮派活动并加强社区安全。 The federal initiative aims to disrupt gang operations and enhance community safety through legal action against those involved in organized crime.