在缔约方会议第二十九届会议之前,在阿塞拜疆巴库举行了关于气候融资净化QG的高级别部长级对话。 High-level ministerial dialogue on NCQG for climate finance held in Baku, Azerbaijan, ahead of COP29.
在阿塞拜疆巴库举行了关于气候融资新集体量化目标的高级别部长级对话。 A high-level ministerial dialogue on the New Collective Quantitative Goal (NCQG) for climate finance took place in Baku, Azerbaijan. 这次会议的目的是在定于11月举行的缔约方会议第二十九届会议之前,根据《巴黎协定》制定向发展中国家提供财政支助的战略。 This meeting aimed to strategize on financial support for developing countries in line with the Paris Agreement, ahead of the 29th Conference of the Parties (COP29) scheduled for November. 活动欢迎全球代表讨论加强气候融资努力的集体办法。 The event welcomed global delegates to discuss collective approaches to enhance climate finance efforts.