1.5°C 全球升温过量会导致不可逆转的气候影响,强调迫切需要立即减少排放量。 1.5°C global warming overshoot leads to irreversible climate impacts, emphasizing the urgency for immediate emissions reductions.
在《自然》上发表的一份新研究报告警告说,暂时超过1.5°C的全球升温极限可能导致不可逆转的气候影响,如海平面上升和冻冻土解冻,持续几个世纪。 A new study published in Nature warns that temporarily exceeding the 1.5°C global warming limit can lead to irreversible climate impacts, such as rising sea levels and thawing permafrost, lasting for centuries. 它挑战了这样一种信念,即克服过量问题很容易得到扭转,强调迫切需要立即减少排放量。 It challenges the belief that overshooting could be easily reversed, emphasizing the urgency for immediate emissions reductions. 目前的认捐可能导致到2100年气候变暖近3°C,到2050年需要净零排放,以避免严重后果。 Current pledges may lead to nearly 3°C warming by 2100, necessitating net-zero emissions by 2050 to avoid severe consequences.