比亚迪计划在墨西哥销售 50K 电动汽车,到 2025 年扩展到 100K,同时在制造提案被拒绝后在印度推行仅进口战略。 BYD plans to sell 50K EVs in Mexico, expand to 100K by 2025, while pursuing an import-only strategy in India after a rejected manufacturing proposal.
中国EV制造商BYD计划今年在墨西哥出售50 000辆电动汽车, 到2025年增加到100 000辆, Chinese EV maker BYD aims to sell 50,000 electric vehicles in Mexico this year, increasing to 100,000 by 2025, with plans to announce a factory location soon. 在印度,BYD公司在其10亿美元的制造提案被拒绝后,将推行只进口的战略。 In India, BYD will pursue an import-only strategy after its $1 billion manufacturing proposal was rejected. 该公司以溢价市场为目标,侧重于大宗进口,同时等待投资限制可能放松。 The company targets the premium market, focusing on high-volume imports while awaiting potential easing of investment restrictions. 印度的EV市场正在增长,政府的目标是到2030年将EV销售量达到30%。 India's EV market is growing, with a government goal of 30% EV sales by 2030.