新斯科舍省计划缩短对受过国际培训的医生的许可证发放评估期。 Nova Scotia plans to shorten licensing assessment period for internationally trained doctors.
新斯科舍省计划缩短为经过国际培训的医生发放许可证的评估期。 Nova Scotia plans to shorten the assessment period for licensing internationally trained doctors. 这一举措旨在简化程序,使这些专业人员能够更快地开始在该省执业。 This initiative aims to streamline the process, enabling these professionals to begin practicing in the province more quickly. 这一举措是为解决保健工作人员短缺和改善居民获得医疗服务的机会而开展更广泛努力的一部分。 The move is part of broader efforts to address healthcare workforce shortages and improve access to medical services for residents.