亨利县选举主任Ameika Banks因违规和错误辞职;任命临时主任Leigh Phillips。 Henry County Elections Director Ameika Banks resigns over infractions and errors; Interim Director Leigh Phillips appointed.
亨利县选举主任Ameika Banks因违规行为和行政错误辞职,尽管没有证据表明这些影响过去选举结果。 Henry County Elections Director Ameika Banks has resigned due to infractions and administrative errors, though there is no evidence these affected past election results. 选举助理主任Leigh Phillips被任命为临时主任,负责确保即将举行的选举的透明度和廉正。 Assistant Elections Director Leigh Phillips is appointed as Interim Director, tasked with ensuring transparency and integrity in upcoming elections. 县官员对选举委员会在过渡期间维持安全选举进程的能力表示信任。 County officials express confidence in the election board's ability to maintain a secure electoral process during this transition.