枪支储存方案旨在减少与枪支有关的自杀,占美国自杀死亡的一半以上。 Gun storage programs proposed to reduce firearm-related suicides, accounting for over half of US suicide deaths.
提出了枪支储存方案,作为减少与枪支有关的自杀的一种手段,这种自杀占美国自杀死亡的一半以上,其致死率达到90%。 Gun storage programs are proposed as a means to reduce firearm-related suicides, which account for over half of U.S. suicide deaths and have a 90% lethality rate. 退伍军人Caleb Morse支持这些举措,自2018年以来在路易斯安那州枪支店储存了约400件火器。 Veteran Caleb Morse supports these initiatives, having stored around 400 firearms since 2018 at his Louisiana gun shop. 专家们认为,有安全保障的枪支可以防止危机期间的冲动行为,特别是在退伍军人和中年男子等弱势群体中。 Experts suggest that secured firearms can prevent impulsive acts during crises, especially among vulnerable groups like veterans and middle-aged men. 有效储存可能导致自杀率大幅下降。 Effective storage could lead to a significant drop in suicide rates.