60岁的Raymond Hemeon在夜间穿越美国17号公路时被Carissa Swan的车辆杀害;没有提出指控。 60-year-old Raymond Hemeon was killed by Carissa Swan's vehicle while crossing U.S. 17 at night; no charges filed.
杰克逊维尔警察局结束了对9月30日一起致命事故的调查, 当时60岁的Raymond Hemeon在夜间穿越美国17号时被26岁的Carissa Swan的车辆击中身亡。 The Jacksonville Police Department has concluded its investigation into a fatal accident on September 30, where 60-year-old Raymond Hemeon was struck and killed by 26-year-old Carissa Swan's vehicle while crossing U.S. 17 at night. 身着深色衣服的 Hemeon 未能让出先行权。 Hemeon, dressed in dark clothing, failed to yield the right of way. 不会对 Swan 提出指控,警方通过使用人行横道和反光衣强调了行人安全的重要性。 No charges will be filed against Swan, and the police emphasized the importance of pedestrian safety by using crosswalks and reflective clothing.