24岁男子在星期天夜间袭击后在北爱尔兰斯特拉班因谋杀被捕。 24-year-old man arrested for murder in Strabane, Northern Ireland following Sunday night assault.
在北爱尔兰的斯特拉巴内 正在调查一起谋杀案 在一名男子被袭击后 星期一一早死亡 A murder investigation is underway in Strabane, Northern Ireland, after a man was assaulted and died early Monday morning. 警方报告说,这一事件发生在星期天晚上的Ballymagorry维多利亚路地区,导致一名24岁的嫌疑人被捕,此人仍被拘留。 Police reported the incident occurred in the Victoria Road area of Ballymagorry on Sunday night, prompting the arrest of a 24-year-old suspect, who remains in custody. 随着调查的继续,道路关闭已经就绪,警察在星期日晚上向该地区任何人索取信息或录像。 Road closures are in place as the investigation continues, and police are appealing for information or footage from anyone in the area on Sunday evening.