AI将提升代理人的技能, 培养长期客户关系, 从而实现房地产革命, AI will revolutionize real estate by enhancing agents' skills and fostering long-term client relationships, believes Ryan Serhant.
“Owning Manhattan”的明星Ryan Serhant表示, AI将提升代理人的交往技巧, 培养长期客户关系, Ryan Serhant, star of "Owning Manhattan," asserts that AI will revolutionize real estate by enhancing agents' interpersonal skills and fostering long-term client relationships. 他认为,有效利用AI的代理商将在竞争激烈的市场中显赫,这一技术将使小公司有能力与大公司竞争。 He believes agents who effectively utilize AI will stand out in a competitive market and that the technology will empower smaller firms to compete with larger corporations. 尽管存在欺诈等潜在风险,但 Serhant 对 AI 对行业的积极影响持乐观态度。 Despite potential risks like fraud, Serhant is optimistic about AI's positive impact on the industry.