弗吉尼亚州罗诺克县的El Mezcal餐厅因厨房炸引起的火灾造成8万美元的损失. Fire at El Mezcal restaurant in Roanoke County, Virginia, caused by a kitchen fryer, with $80,000 in damages.
弗吉尼亚州罗诺克县的El Mezcal餐厅于周一凌晨4点11分左右起火, A fire at El Mezcal restaurant in Roanoke County, Virginia, began around 4:11 a.m. on Monday, caused by a kitchen fryer. 消防员在30分钟内控制了大火,没有受伤报告。 Firefighters controlled the blaze within 30 minutes, with no injuries reported. 餐厅将一直关闭,损失估计为80 000美元。 The restaurant will remain closed, and damages are estimated at $80,000. Roanoke县消防局长办公室正在当地消防部门的协助下调查这一事件。 The Roanoke County Fire Marshal's Office is investigating the incident, with assistance from local fire departments.