克里斯蒂安·布鲁克纳,Madeleine McCann案的主要嫌疑人,因被指控在葡萄牙犯有性犯罪而在德国受审。 Christian Brueckner, main suspect in Madeleine McCann case, on trial in Germany for alleged sex offenses in Portugal.
Christian Brueckner是Madeleine McCann失踪案的主要嫌疑人,他在德国受审,被控犯有性犯罪,包括葡萄牙的强奸。 Christian Brueckner, the main suspect in Madeleine McCann's disappearance, is on trial in Germany for alleged sexual offenses, including rapes in Portugal. 他的辩护律师辩称,指控缺乏证据,并批评检方关键证人的可信度。 His defense lawyer argues that the charges lack evidence and criticizes the credibility of the prosecution's key witness. 如果无罪开释,Brueckner可能面临对McCann案件的更多审查。 If acquitted, Brueckner may face increased scrutiny regarding McCann's case. 检察官要求判处15年徒刑,而Brueckner已经因先前的强奸而服刑,他坚持自己无罪。 Prosecutors seek a 15-year sentence, while Brueckner, already serving time for a prior rape, maintains his innocence.