Albaa组织与卫生部和私立医院合作,为雇员发起了为期一个月的乳腺癌宣传运动。 Alba launches a month-long breast cancer awareness campaign for employees, collaborating with Ministry of Health and private hospitals.
巴林铝业(Alba)为其雇员发起了为期一个月的乳腺癌宣传运动,由卫生部的Fatema Hubail博士作现场讲座。 Aluminium Bahrain (Alba) has launched a month-long breast cancer awareness campaign for its employees, featuring a live lecture by Dr. Fatema Hubail from the Ministry of Health. 该倡议旨在就乳腺癌的原因、诊断和预防开展教育。 The initiative aims to educate about breast cancer causes, diagnosis, and prevention. Alba正与卫生部和私立医院合作,为女雇员提供医疗检查,同时开展以一般和心理健康为重点的各种活动。 Alba is collaborating with the Ministry and private hospitals to provide medical check-ups for female employees, alongside various activities focusing on general and mental health.