亚行计划批准向菲律宾提供5 000万澳元贷款,用于公共财政管理改革。 ADB plans to approve a $500M loan to the Philippines for public financial management reforms.
亚洲开发银行(亚行)计划批准向菲律宾提供5亿美元的贷款,以支持旨在改善治理和促进经济的公共财政管理改革。 The Asian Development Bank (ADB) plans to approve a $500 million loan to the Philippines to support public financial management reforms aimed at improving governance and boosting the economy. 这些资金将用于执行《公共财政管理改革路线图》,该路线图力求提高公共开支的效率和透明度。 The funds will be used to implement the Public Financial Management Reforms Roadmap, which seeks to enhance efficiency and transparency in public spending. 该倡议旨在帮助该国实现中上收入地位并加强其信用评级。 The initiative aims to help the country achieve upper-middle-income status and strengthen its credit rating.