57岁的妇女在星期五晚上在卡尔加里被小卡车撞死后死亡。 57-year-old woman dies after being struck by pickup truck in Calgary on Friday night.
一名57岁的妇女在卡尔加里东南部被一辆小货车撞死, A 57-year-old woman died after being struck by a pickup truck in southeast Calgary on Friday night around 8:15 PM. 碰撞发生在50大道和22街S.E.交汇处。 The collision occurred at the intersection of 50 Avenue and 22 Street S.E. 这辆卡车由一名38岁的男子驾驶,当时该妇女正穿过公路时正向东行驶。 The truck, driven by a 38-year-old man, was traveling east when the woman was crossing the road. 她被送往医院,但后来因伤死亡。 She was taken to the hospital but later died from her injuries. 司机没有受伤,警察并不怀疑速度或损伤是因素。 The driver was unharmed, and police do not suspect speed or impairment as factors. 敦促证人与当局联系。 Witnesses are urged to contact authorities.