巴勒斯坦博士生为加沙居民寻求与乌克兰方案类似的英国签证计划。 Palestinian PhD student seeks UK visa scheme for Gaza residents similar to Ukrainian program.
Edinburgh的巴勒斯坦博士生Mahmoud Almasri敦促联合王国政府为与为乌克兰人设立的签证计划相似的巴勒斯坦人采取签证计划。 Mahmoud Almassri, a Palestinian PhD student in Edinburgh, is urging the UK government to adopt a visa scheme for Palestinians akin to the one established for Ukrainians. 他试图让加沙流离失所的家庭在持续的冲突中安全地生活。 He seeks to bring his displaced family in Gaza to safety amidst ongoing conflict. 目前,由于军事行动,加沙没有外国人出境通道。 Currently, there are no exit routes for foreign nationals in Gaza due to military operations. 内政部正在审查现有的途径,但目前没有针对巴勒斯坦人的同等方案。 The Home Office is reviewing existing pathways, but no equivalent program for Palestinians exists at this time.