肯尼亚新鲜农产品出口商由于航空公司的提款和苏伊士运河费用增加而面临严重损失。 Kenya's fresh produce exporters face severe losses due to airline withdrawals and increased Suez Canal costs.
由于国际航空公司从乔莫·肯雅塔国际机场撤出,以便在节庆季节之前争取更好的报酬,肯尼亚新鲜产品出口商正遭受严重损失。 Kenya's fresh produce exporters are experiencing severe losses due to the withdrawal of international airlines from Jomo Kenyatta International Airport in search of better pay ahead of the festive season. 随着苏伊士运河运输成本的增加和延误,情况变得更糟。 The situation worsens with increased Suez Canal transit costs and delays. 东非托运人理事会呼吁政府采取行动,允许临时货船和湿租赁货运航空公司,以缓解危机和保护农民生计。 The Shippers Council of Eastern Africa has called for government action to allow temporary freighters and wet leasing of cargo airlines to mitigate the crisis and protect farmers' livelihoods.